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The mission of the Department of Chemical Engineering is to produce graduates who are comprehensively prepared and creative, who are able to interact with the challenges created by the global economy. This specialization was created to cover the requirements of society in government agencies and the public and private sectors.

The Department of Chemical Engineering considers it necessary to create an intellectual atmosphere for work and study for both students and staff in order to enhance their appreciation of their culture, heritage and responsibilities towards society. The department offers programs for undergraduate students, in addition to containing educational programs that help participants acquire updated knowledge and thus contribute to the development of our society. It also provides research and consultations in various fields to serve the requirements of all sectors of society.

1- Preparing qualified engineers in the field of chemical engineering to keep abreast of contemporary developments and meet the requirements of the country’s scientific and economic development plans.

2- Developing their skills in analyzing, designing, operating and using modern laboratory equipment and software to conduct practical experiments

3- Developing its ability to communicate verbally with scientific societies to conceptualize and interpret work in a more advanced manner, as well as developing its ability to conduct applied research that can contribute to community service.

4- Communicating with service institutions in the country related to the nature of the program by providing engineering consultations and participating or holding seminars and discussions.

5- Improving their understanding of professional ethics, sustainability and occupational safety that allows them to be influential engineers in society by finding solutions to the problems of industrial facilities related to the program.

The Department of Chemical Engineering seeks to fulfill the needs of the Iraqi community and the region of chemical engineers by providing high-quality programs in education, scientific research and community service.

About the department


About the department


Studies curriculum


Studies curriculum

Teaching staff


Teaching staff

Scientific research


Scientific research

Academic description


Academic description

Lectures schedule


Lectures schedule

Student graduation projects


Student graduation projects

Department lectures


Department lectures

Links help in the learning


Links help in the learning

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