The alphabets

the description:

The Accounts Division in the College of Engineering is responsible for managing and organizing financial and accounting affairs related to students and the college in general.

Tuition fee management:

The Division determines and collects tuition fees and sets time periods for payment procedures, while providing information about available payment methods.

financial reports:

She prepares and analyzes the college’s financial reports, and presents them to management and concerned parties to make the right financial decisions.

Debt Collection:

The Division collects outstanding debts from students and organizes flexible payment plans as needed.

Communication with students:

Providing financial support and guidance to students, and responding to their inquiries about financial issues and tuition fees.

Financial registration procedures:

Facilitating financial registration procedures and providing guidance on the options available to students regarding payment of fees.

Follow tax updates:

Ensuring compliance with tax legislation and its updates, and providing the necessary information to students in this context.

Submitting reports to management:

Providing periodic reports to management on the financial status and future directions.