Division vision

ˮ Improving the quality of educational, research and administrative science through the application of quality standards and systems to achieve distinction in institutional performance and achieve academic accreditation. ˮ.

Division message

ˮ Spreading a culture of quality, evaluating performance, and exporting the best local and international educational, research, and administrative practices in a way that raises the college’s status and achieves continuous development, institutional excellence, and reliability of educational programs. ˮ

Division tasks

The Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation Division at the College of Engineering includes in its structure four units, among which the tasks are distributed as follows:

First: Tasks of the Quality Assurance Unit

  • Spreading a culture of quality in the college by organizing seminars, lectures, training courses, workshops and publications.
  • Planning, implementation and follow-up to obtain academic and institutional accreditation.
  • Continuous communication and coordination with the Quality Assurance and University Performance Department in everything related to quality standards and follow-up of developments.
  • Communicate and work closely with various local and international governmental and private institutions in everything that contributes to developing areas of quality and achieving academic accreditation.

Second: Tasks of the Performance Evaluation Unit

  • Completing the annual performance evaluation of all college employees and preparing the necessary reports regarding the annual evaluations and preparing them for the relevant authorities.

Third: Tasks of the Laboratory Accreditation Unit

  • Work to establish, document, apply and maintain a management system capable of ensuring the quality of laboratories
  • Follow up on standards programs for all equipment and devices that require calibration in college laboratories, in coordination with the concerned departments and relevant authorities.
  • Coding and identifying all laboratory equipment and devices, in coordination with the relevant departments
  • Publish policies and objectives for achieving laboratory accreditation by local accreditation bodies

And international at all regulatory levels of laboratories.

Fourth: Tasks of the Training and Technical Support Unit

  • Organizing training courses and workshops in everything related to the areas of quality and performance evaluation




 Division structure Quality assurance and performance evaluation in the College of Engineering