Office of the Dean

Ahmed Hassan Ali

Ahmed Hassan Ali

Professor - Dean of the College of Engineering

   PhD - Chemical Engineering

Water Treatment

The Dean’s Office works on organizing administrative correspondence and represents a link between the Dean and the administrative units and other departments related to the college and the community. It consists of:
(Office Director. Secretariat. Secret Registry. Council Secretariat)
Duties of the Dean’s Office Director:
1- Organizing and supervising all office work and administrative activities that facilitate the flow and workflow of the Dean’s Office in general.
2- Organizing interviews with college members, including teachers, employees, and students.
3- Receiving citizens from outside the college who have work interests with students.
4- Organizing and preparing for the Dean’s scientific, cultural and administrative meetings and gatherings.
5- Preparing external messages and e-mails as requested by the Dean.
6- Follow up on incoming mail, respond quickly, and avoid delay.
7- Organizing the employees’ working schedule.
8- Withdraw the fingerprint report.
Assigned to additional duties as directed by the Dean.

Asaad Sakban Mahdi

Office Manager

To contact the Dean’s office



Send your message directly

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